building strong communities starts with small businesses

Village in rural Guyana

Direct financial support helps small businesses grow sustainably. Supporting small businesses in rural Guyana boosts local economies and bridges the gap to the country’s broader economic opportunities.

rural Guyana

Despite Guyana’s economic growth spurred by an oil boom, many rural communities remain isolated from the broader national economy, leaving them disconnected from the opportunities this brings.

high poverty rates

In 2018, 43% of the population lived on less than $5.50 USD per day, facing significant financial challenges. 80% of them live in rural areas.

disconnected from growth

Many rural communities are geographically isolated, limiting their opportunities in Guyana’s growing economy.

small communities, big opportunities

Economic growth centered around Guyana’s oil boom is increasing demand for domestically produced goods.

microfinancing – our approach

The Uplift Project provides financial support to small business owners in rural communities. This approach is effective, adaptable and respectful, allowing business owners to build a brighter future for themselves and their community.

drive economic growth

Small businesses who receive financial support show a 33% increase in profits.

create lasting change

Businesses that receive direct funding have shown a 61% increase in asset ownership.

meet increased demand

Microfinancing allows businesses to produce more goods as demand is increasing from the growing economy.

The Uplift Project is dedicated to helping small businesses expand, enabling them to participate more in Guyana’s growing national economy.

our process

The Uplift Project makes financial support available to small businesses in rural Guyana. By supporting successful local practices, we help businesses to grow while doing what they know best.

connect with communities

connect with communities

where small-scale enterprises thrive and assess the potential impact our organization can have.

provide hands-on support

provide hands-on support

to help eligible business owners overcome any technological barriers during the application process.

review and approve

review and approve

applicants that are most likely to benefit from our support.

evaluate continuously

evaluate continuously

to support recipient progress and track how our funds have impacted their businesses and communities.

incentivize responsible expenditure

incentivize responsible expenditure

by providing future funding opportunities to businesses that demonstrate success.

our story

While traveling with his father through the rural villages of Guyana, our founder was struck by the stark disparities between life in these communities and his home in the United States.

Despite the challenges, he also witnessed the resilience of local entrepreneurs who, with even modest financial support, could create lasting change.

This realization led him to launch The Uplift Project, a nonprofit organization focused on empowering small businesses through financial support.

Help uplift communities in rural Guyana.